The next Art Walk will take place Thursday, April 3rd. Please check back here on the day of for a full itinerary of participating venues.

February-March Art Walk Map. Please note, this map contains only a partial listing of monthly venues, as many more add on before any given First Thursday.

About The SF First Thursday Art Walk

The First Thursday Art Walk is a monthly self-guided walking tour of Downtown San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood and adjacent areas, during which time galleries, performance spaces, and other businesses hold their openings and other events which are open late to the public. Each month hosts a unique variety of events, with many regularly participating venues and many more occasional participants. A complete itinerary for each First Thursday can be found here on the day-of each month, or by following us on Instagram where we also promote the events in the weeks prior to the First Thursdays.

The Art Walk is currently stewarded by Moth Belly Gallery and sponsored by The Tenderloin Community Benefit District and the SF Office Of Economic And Workforce Development via The Tenderloin Mini Events & Activation Grant.